International Webinar 01. 02. 2025

Food Security at Crossroads

Event day

1st Feb 2025

Time: 02:00 pm

(Indian Standard Time) onwards

Organized & hosted by:

Dept. of Agriculture,

MM (DU), Mullana


in collaboration with:

International Foundation for Sustainable Development

in Africa and Asia

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Video call link: akn?hs=224


dial: (US) +1 361-248-9873  /  PIN: 924315599


 As per FAO statistics, current World Population is around 8 billion, of which, around 820 million people suffer from hunger and about 2 billion children are malnourished and suffer from micronutrient and vitamin deficiency worldwide. Hence, Food Security is a major concern globally and more so in developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Prudent technologies in Agriculture and Biotechnology have been engaged globally to boost food production.  Also, Food Sciences are harnessed to process food materials and to minimize  the food losses. Still, food security is

at crossroads  considering the WHO recommendations for daily intake of nutrients. Malnutrition is distressing mainly in developing countries. Also, the food imbalances in developed countries have their own consequences in terms of Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, Cancer etc. Such an alarming situation needs a critical appraisal about global food security in relation to the target set by UN Sustainable Development Goals. Current global hunger index is about 18.3 which is more chronic (GHI 27) in south Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. [...]

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