11th November, 2022 (Friday) at 1:30 PM (IST) onwards
Currently Food, Energy and Environment Security are major global concerns. The major energy sources are either fossil fuel
based or renewable/green energy sources. The fossil fuel based energy sources such as coal, petroleum, and earth gas are finite, exhaustible, non-renewable and environmental polluting. The fossil
fuel based energy sources are considered to be major factors contributing to global warming due to their greenhouse gases emissions. Renewable/green energy sources like solar, hydro, wind,
geothermal and tidal waves and biomass are abundant, infinite, free and environment friendly. owever, their cost factors are still attracting several question marks and this needs to be minimized
to make these energy sources affordable. This calls for intensification of research and development for evolving more efficient and affordable green technologies, which are sustainable.
Read more in Annoucement/Brochure PDF or click to enlarge the graphic.
Please scoll down for more about WEBINARS since 2020 |
► Solar Energy Applications towards Entrepreneurship and Sustainability
► Indo-Spain Webinar on Electrolyzed water and its application in Agriculture
► Women and Neonatal Health
► Biotechnology for Crop Tolerance to low and high temperature Stresses
► Biotechnology for Crop Tolerance to Drought and Salt Stresses
► Deep Learning for Plant Deseases
► Deep Learning for Detection and Management of Plant Deseases
► Sustainable through Solar Energy and Entrepreneurship
► Sustainable Water Resources, Pollution and Quality Assurance
► Trends in Technology for Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, Environment and Health
3rd August, 2022
Time: 02:00 pm
(Indian Standard Time) onwards
In India, we share 4.2% of the potable water (of 1% total potable water on earth) which signifies a stringent competition for its uses in agricultural, domestic, industrial and municipality purposes. Therefore, water is a commodity and its safe use and quality assurance is valuable for all stakeholders. Organic/ Inorganic pollutants diminished the quality of water, hence its safe use for different purposes. In agriculture and food industry, the entry of pollutants in food chain will pose threats to human and livestock heath. Therefore, removal of these pollutants is utmost imperative and essential. Removal of pollutants using physical, chemical, microbial & other biological methods offers some promise but with many limitations.
Read more in Annoucement PDF or click to enlarge the graphic.
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8th March, 2022
"Speech of Dr. Wolde-Giorgis"
As per FAO, Statistic, the world population will be around 8 billion people by 2025. Currently about 850 million people
suffer from hunger and about 2 billion children suffer from malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency. India ranks number 1 in terms of pre-term birth as 23% pre-term born infants are in India.
Human health is determined by genetic, epigenetic, environmental, utritional and psychological factors. Women health is most critical during times of pregnancy Genotype of an individual mothers
determines the phenotype of the foetus and the neonates through its interaction with nutrition and medication during pregnancy.
Read more in Annoucement PDF or click to enlarge the graphic.
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15th January, 2022
Global warming has affected crop production scenario in terms of yields and geographical area for successful crop production. It has led to shifts in crop communities. Ambient Temperature prevailing at any location is key determinant factor for survival, adaptation and performance of various crops. Environmental stresses caused by low and high temperature are most apparent at specific locations worldwide. Abiotic stresses, depending on location and local climatic conditions can cause 15 to 20% or even higher reduction in crop yield due to reduction in one or the other yield building traits like post maturity, hampered photosynthesis, lower germination, poor plant growth and development etc. traditional crop improvement methods based on recombination breeding have paid dividends in breeding tolerant varieties to low and high temperature stresses.
Read more in Annoucement PDF or click to enlarge the graphic.
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27th November, 2021
Announcement PDF
Climate change effects on crop yields are witnessed globally. Abiotic stresses caused by drought and salinity are most apparent at specific locations worldwide. Abiotic stresses, depending on location and local climatic conditions can cause 15 to 20% or even higher reduction in crop yield due to reduction in one or the other yield building traits like post maturity, hampered photosynthesis, lower germination, poor plant growth and development etc. Conventional plant breeding has paid dividends in breeding tolerant varieties to specific abiotic stresses. However, under global climate change conditions, one or more abiotic stresses occur simultaneously and their adverse effects are mutually exclusive.
Under such situations prudent biotechnologies are needed to infuse resilience in genotypes to adapt better to abiotic stresses with a higher yield.Various biotechnological tools have been developed such as tissue culture, genomics and transgenics.
Read more in Annoucement PDF or click to enlarge the graphic.
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12th March, 2021
4th December, 2020
8th March, 2020
6th November, 2020
2nd October, 2020
Announcement PDF
The world population is likely to grow to 8 billion by 2025 and stabilize at 10 billion by 2050. The increase in population is mainly in developing countries where food, environmental, and health problems are apparent on account of lack of resources.
In many countries where the green revolution led quantum jump in yield has been realized are also witnessing grey patches due to excessive use of inputs and agrochemicals, over-mining of nutrients, secondary salinization, etc. In order to have sustainably high production possessing adequate nutritional value for teaming millions every year, the present agrotechnology has to be revisited and customized for locational specific needs.
Read more in Annoucement PDF or click to enlarge the graphic.
Jagan Nath University hosted an International Webinar Scientists discussed the about the need for Sustainable Development & Resource Management in Agricultural Sector. http://businessnewsthisweek.com
last update:
Dezember 24, 2024 / 15.00 MEZ